Saturday, August 4, 2007

For years, scientists have tried to improve our diet, which has become a bomb to our heart on account of the exaggerated proportion of fat we consume and the poor physical activity.

sentence is the true reality. There might exist thousands of operations to improve our physical appearance, but if we don’t change our consumption manners we will never improve our health.

persons eat healthy food, avoiding fats, and go to gym only because they care about their appearance. Appearance is very important to keep high the self-esteem because that is what rules our daily-life. Our attitudes, disposition towards life, humour, sensations, thoughts, all our behaviours rotate round self-esteem. Having a good physical shape makes you feel more comfortable with yourself and with the others. Although that is not a fact, because many people feel well being plump, in our society being thin is a synonym of being nice.

Beyond this, the main purpose of eating well and doing physical activity should be HEALTH. You can feel comfortable being fat, but that doesn’t mean that your body feels well. Many problems are associated to the embroidered eating of fat, and many of them are fatal.

We have to change our consumption manners. People should care about what they eat, and if they have the possibility to choose between a burger and a salad, pick the salad because it’s healthier. You can eat hamburgers, but not everyday. Extremes are the problems: it’s bad if you eat 3 burgers and 4 hotdogs each day, but there’s no problem if you eat 2 hamburgers per week, for example.

We have to be moderated. That also applies to physical activity, because we don’t have to overdo e.g. with one hour of walking everyday is enough. A plus of sports is that, beyond giving fitness, are good for making friends and having fun; they are a complete activity: enjoy time while making good to your body.

Living a healthy life it’s not difficult, the hard part is to get used to it when you have been living like we are. We only have to change our bad habits with the advice of an expert. Restaurants and fast-food-deliveries should help with this change by varying their menus.

The change is possible!

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