Monday, August 6, 2007

FIE experience

Monday 14en

We arrived to Córdoba and we spent the morning in “Ciudad de las Artes” until the majority of the adolescents arrived. There were persons from all parts of the Country, continent and world. You could find boys from Guatemala, Bolivia, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Jordan, US, Peru, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Mendoza and more. We were 600 in total.

We had an informative meeting where we were retold the rules and conditions of the trip, and then we travelled to Tanti, where the hotel was.

The hotel was enormous. In fact, there were like big buildings distributed round the area. It was incredible!

Since we arrived at Tanti and lunch we had free time. There we were photographed all together. Most of us used the time to put the luggage in the room and meet the person with whom you were going to sleep, because you didn’t know them (the rooms are for 3 or 4 persons). But some stayed in the centre garden dancing and taking photos. The best was that everyone was with everyone, although they didn’t know each other. We had a lot of fun. Brazilians and cordobeces played their drums and sung while others danced. The atmosphere was full of positive energy.

During the day we had many informative meetings, where the staff explained the basis of MESE and other activities we were going to do. At 9 pm we had dinner in the huge dinning room altogether. Afterwards we had an original welcome event that finished with fireworks.

They were very strict with punctuality. We had to return to our rooms at a specific time, if not you had a demerit. Also when arriving late to any meeting or activity. You were expulsed if you had 11 demerits, but that didn’t happen this year fortunately.

In the room you could stay awake, talking with your partners, tiding up, taking a bath or anything you wanted in the way you didn’t bother the others.

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La Pampa landscape

La Pampa landscape